Masters of Marketing: 64 Brilliant Chief Marketers Each Share Their Best Advice

Drew Neisser brought 64 thought leaders together in order to share the art and science of marketing. Prepare yourself for a crash course in marketing brilliance.


AUG 12, 2016

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First of all, wow. As a 22 year digital marketing vetran, I’m in awe of Drew Neisser, founder and CEO of Renegade. He spent the last 5 years of his life interviewing 64 of the brightest brains in marketing today and published my new favorite book on marketing, The CMO’s Periodic Table: A Renegade’s Guide to Marketing. I’m in awe for several reasons. First, because he was able to wrangle each thought leader’s secret sauce from them. Second, because he was able to compile all these brilliant ideas into 7 pillars and formed a tight “periodic table” of marketing. Third, there is zero fluff in this book. And perhaps the best part is that you don’t have to read any of it sequentially. You can grab what you need and keep the book on your desk as a reference guide.

Drew and I have crossed paths on the speaking circuits on more than one occasion. I loved talking to him about his book and he was gracious enough to sit down and do a Skype interview with me on “the making of” and highlighting some of his favorite parts. You can watch that interview here:

So let’s dive into it so you get a sense of just how powerful this book really is. These are just a few of my favorite quotes from each brilliant marketer. For the full in-depth analysis that each one provides, do yourself a favor and buy the book.

The 10 Basic Elements of Marketing

1.     Setting Expectations: Jeffrey Hayzlett (C-Suite Network), former CMO of Eastman Kodak, says “A lot of CMOs fail because they forget to set conditions of satisfaction. I won’t move forward until I know exactly what makes the customer (who, in some cases, may be my boss) happy.” He recommends that before you take on a new job, you know the “conditions of satisfaction.”

2.     Planning: Bob Kraut (Papa John’s) recommends that you leave the comfort of your office to get out into the field to hear firsthand what your employees, customers and partners are saying about you and your brand. He also recommends that you think twice before ditching a successful marketing campaign and warns that marketers tend to “get bored with their campaigns long before consumers do.”

3.     Research: “Not only can research inform your marketing strategy,” says Eric Eden (Cvent), “it can also provide provocative and compelling information for content marketing.” He talks about all the ways you can collect useful data cheaply and effectively and suggests that your guiding question for any research project should always be, “What info will help our customers?”

4.     Strategy: “When crafting your brand strategy, start with the desire to transform, not just improve,” suggests Colette LaForce (ICF International). She advises that great leaders work hard to remove the complexity out of any business strategy and that there should always be at least some budget available for experimentation because this is the best way to learn and stay relevant.

5.     Branding: “What do you stand for and why?” asks Dave Minifie (Centene). “How and why are you bringing this to life? What brand experience do you deliver across multiple touchpoints?” He recommends that all CMO design and carry out a 90-day plan that starts with at least the first 30 to 60 days of intelligence gathering.

6.     Rebranding: “If you can’t get your CEO to support the rebranding initiative from the beginning,” says Wendy Newman ( ANM Healthcare), “don’t bother since it will be doomed to failure … Roll-out your rebranding campaign first to your employees and make sure the ‘inoculation’ takes before sharing it with the outside world.”

7.     Measure: “Our key performance metrics evolve to address changing dynamics in the industry,” says Antonio Lucio (Visa). “We added social KPI goals that are part of a select few KPIs know to drive the business. We closely track our progress, and have timely and transparent accountability across leadership toward delivering against these business driving KPIs.”

8.     Metrics: “Marketers who spend all of their resources on ‘proven’ tactics or channels will get left behind as the market moves,” says Dan Marks (First Tennessee Bank). “Therefore, experimentation is essential. In experiments some stuff will work and a lot of stuff will not. Edison said something like an essential part of creating the lightbulb was first finding ninety-nine ways that did not work.”

9.     Consistency: “At the end of the day it’s not about what I think should work or is going to work, it’s about how the consumer responds to the brand and product,” says Louise Camuto (Camuto Group). “When in doubt, listen to your customers!”

10.  New Products: “The best marketers are always looking for ways to connect with customers by doing something that hasn’t been done before,” says Lee Applbaum (Patron Spirits). “We’re talking to a very specific artisanal audience; the same people who follow the farm-to-table movement. This is a garden-to-glass movement.”

The 10 Internal Elements of Marketing

11.  Building Trust: “Be trustworth,” says  Chris Brull (Kawasaki). “Trust comes from being reliable, delivering on time, and having an open and collaborative nature. It is also putting th emission, the direction, the strategy, the company, and the team before yourself.”

12.  Organizing: “Communicate like crazy, measure results, hold teams accountable, and did I say communicate?” asks Stephanie Anderson (Time Warner Cable Business Class). “We have monthly leadership meetings, 1:1 calls, all associate Web conference with the whole team every six weeks, and a monthly marketing scorecard report.”

13.  Reorganizing: “Lucky for me, I run marketing for a company that specialized in using technology to solve complex business challenges,” says Jonathan Becher (SAP). “For example, I have a mobile dashboard where my leadership team and I have real-time visibility into all parts of our marketing business. We can see what’s working and what isn’t, then redeploy resources and budget as necessary.”

14.  Global Agendas: “…we publish a [risk] map color-coded based on equivocal risk,” explains Phil Clement (Aon). “What’s the likelihood of a change in regime? If you’re doing business around the world, this map becomes an important tool, and it also suggests that we’re experts in understanding risk.”

15.  Retooling: “One term I use to think about [my success as a corporate CMO] is ‘return on relationship’, because all of my goals are based on the growth of our business and the growth of our profitability” says Mark Hanna (Richline). “My goal is that we become the biggest go-to jewelry company among retailers. Growth of business over time is really about how strong our relationships are, which is about how strong the trust is between Richline and the retailers.”

16.  Leading Change: “The idea is to find those who are your toughest critics and turn them into advocates,” says Elisa Romm (MasterCard). “They will then sell your platforms to their peer group.”

17.  Cohesion: “Our key challenges are transforming legacy process to contemporary digital engagement models, and re-talenting our sales, marketing, and service teams so that they can be fluent with these new technology-enabled capabilities” says Raj Ro (3M).

18.  Consultative Selling: “Consultative selling requires a deep understanding of the customer and knowing where they could use your expertise,” says Snehal Desai (Dow Chemical). “Be prepared to offer counsel that goes beyond product specifications. Share the right expertise at the right time and you’ll make a customer for life.”

19.  Culture: “…I ended every single presentation with the same three slides,” says Phil Granof (Black Duck Software). “The first was a slide that read, ‘Think Like Apple.’ The second read, ‘Act Like Disney.’ The final slide was a mantra: ‘Make everything the customer touches a reason to love Black Duck.”

20.  Empowerment: “Our core values go far beyond just cosmetics. Mary Kay is about empowering women, helping them discover their inner beauty, their confidence, their passion, and their special gifts thorugh the opportunity of becoming an Independent Beauty Consultant,” says Sheryl Adkins-Green (Mary Kay).

The 8 Transitional Trends of Marketing:

21.  Marketing Automation: “At Marketo the marketing team generates 80 percent of the sales pipeline allowing the company to radically reduce the salesperson’s risk and change how the marketing department gets compensated,” says Jon Miller (Marketo). “And because sales has better quality leads, they close at a higher rate, allowing for higher quotas and fewer sales reps.”

22.  B2B Content Marketing: “Panels of experts on traditional, alternative, crowdfunding, and start-up capital share their words of wisdom as do the business owners sharing their funding stories,” says Judy Hackett (Dun & Bradstreet) about why she uses offline events to drive content. “All of these participants from businesses to banks and panelists to moderators become content generators for us. Attendees share their experience via social, and I could go on and on. It’s probably the single best way to create content!”

23.  B2C Content Marketing: “Good content turns awareness into consideration and consideration into intent,” says Richard Marnell (Viking River Cruises). “This is especially true of user-generated content because people are more inclined to believe their peers – even the anonymous online reviews of others like them – or a third party expert such as a journalist, than to simply trust advertising alone.”

24.  User-Generated Content: “People are generally looking for two things: discovery and community,” says Evan Greene (The Recording Academy). So if we can enable the idea of discovery and empower the concept of shareability, then we are, by default, going to be leading to a greater, more robust community.”

25.  Influencer Marketing: “The biggest surprise for me,” says Tami Cannizzaro (IBM), “was the sale and reach of the influencers we engaged. I was a bit skeptical that we could move the needle but in reality the influencers blew away traditional PR. The biggest surprise was that a powerful group of individuals could truly move the needle for a major brand.”

26.  Grassroots Marketing: “I think the thing that brands that don’t have grassroots in their mix miss is a personal connection with the consumer,” says Kyle Schlegel (Louisville Slugger). “We need to create programs that intersect consumer’s lives in all aspects but, in my opinion, nothing is more powerful than a face-to-face conversation.”

27.  Storytelling: The proliferation of channels for consumers to learn about brands and products requires a high degree of agility,” says Kieran Hannon (Belkin International). “The best way to evaluate success is when consumers become evangelists themselves in further amplifying the conversation. That’s utopia.”

28.  Social Media Success: “Social ‘listening’ is critical, but you have to listen carefully … and guardedly,” says Scot Safon (The Weather Channel). “If something generates only a few comments or share or citations, it likely didn’t inspire any meaningful feedback and you shouldn’t probably look at specific comments too closely. If something generates numerous comments, that indicates you might have touched a nerve.”

The 8 Volatile Factors of Marketing:

29.  Agency as Partner: “I am not a believer in dealing with any sort of pretesting of advertising,” says Terri Funk Graham (Jack in the Box), “and we never did anything of that nature. One key reason I don’t like to pretest is that we live in a politically correct world where you’re always guaranteed to upset someone, which can hold you back from developing great creative work. I also think that approval by committee is the death of a campaign.”

30.  Changing Agencies: “If the relationship isn’t working, there are many, many agencies out there and it’s in your best interest to make a switch, as opposed to tolerating underperformance,” says Barbara Goodstein (Tiger 21 Holdings).

31.  Retail Partners: “[Budget allocation and optimization] is one of the biggest questions year in and year out,” says Colin Hall (Allen Edmonds). “Our approach is to build on what is proven, optimize what we know should work, and always test new efforts in small ways.”  

32.  Risk Taking: “We did a promotion called ‘Carmageddon’ when the 405 Freeway was closed in LA”, Marty St. George (JetBlue) explained. “We flew for a day back and for the between Burbank and Long Beach. I need to give my team a lot of credit for this one. When they brought the idea to me, I said, ‘I can’t imagine this getting buzz but feel free to do it, if you can do it cheaply.’ The result? For about $10,000 in spend we generated almost $10 million in impressions. We had captured the moment in a fun, creative way.”

33.  Befriending Data: “We are engaging a consumer who is living in a massively digital world,” says Mayur Gupta (Kimberly-Clark). “Ultimately it’s converging her context (consumer data and insights) to influence content (her experience) which will ultimately inspire the ideal behavior (commerce). These are the three ‘C’s of modern marketing.”

34.  Media Mixing: “As far as our marketing mix goes,” says Sanjay Gupta (Allstate), “people still watch TV – a lot of it. Through we continue to increase the percentage of our digital media as consumer media consumption evolves, we’ve found that a combination of media types usually yields the best results.”

35.  Tiny Budgets: “I use a lot of test/invest methodology,” says Julie Garlikov (Torani), “trying things out small scale, proving that they deliver, and then expanding. It’s the only way to ensure the best ROI on limited budgets like ours.”

36.  Crisis Management: “I start by asking four simple questions at the onset of any crisis, no matter the issue or size of the organization,” says Doug Duvall (Sprint). “1. What happened? 2. When did it happen? 3. What did you do once you found out it happened? 4. How can you assure the public that it won’t happen again? If you have decent answers to these basic questions, you’ll survive the crisis.”

The 8 Silicon Rally Elements of Marketing:

37.  CRM: “With the Eagles, we created a 35-person advisory board of passionate season ticket holders,” Tim McDermott (Philadelphia 76ers) explained. “They told us what we were doing right and what we were doing wrong from the serious fan’s perspective. The quid pro quo was, they also had to help us come up with solutions to the problem, not just tell us what we’re doing wrong.”

38.  Mobilizing Digital: “We embrace a saying from Macy’s very own Margaret Getchell (the first woman executive in retail), who said: ‘Be everywhere, do everything, and never forget to astonish the customer.’ It’s a motto we live by here, and I think having a legacy of such pioneering executives is an inspiration to all of us,” says Martine Reardon (Macy’s).

39.  Integrating Mobile: “For a company like Dunkin’ Donuts,” says John Costello (Dunkin’ Donuts), “mobile and marketing go hand-in-hand. The surge in mobile usage, coupled with the busy, on-the-go Dunkin’ guest, creates a very compelling business case for us.”

40.  Email Efficacy: “Our email segmentation strategy became about capturing not only customer purchase history, but also website browse and email engagement behavior (opens, clicks, etc.),” says Shannon Smith (J. Crew). “In addition, we launched a series of email triggers including ‘Abandoned Cart’ and ‘Category Browse’ campaigns that drove millions of incremental dollars in email revenue.”

41.  Real-Time Marketing: “Most failures [of brands to get Real-Time Marketing right] stem from assuming the public perceives the brand in the same way that the brand perceives itself,” says Adam Naide (Cox Communications).

42.  Online Optimization: “Too many changes at once makes it almost impossible to isolate performance,” says Steve Fuller (L.L. Bean).

43.  Web Experience: “From a business model perspective, the efficiency and effectiveness of content marketing reduces the cost to acquire a customer and enables us to leverae paid channels in unique ways” says Rose Hamilton (Pet360).

44.  Going Viral: “Good ideas are wonderful, but they’re a dime a dozen. It all comes down to execution,” says Paul Greenberg (CollegeHumor Media).

10 Noble Pursuits of Marketing:

45.  Marketing As A Service: “I think there’s a lot of marketing out there that is of no service to anyone and frankly doesn’t have much impact,” says John Hayes (American Express). “The things that are sustainable are the marketing elements that serve people well.” (I LOVE this quote and couldn’t agree more!)

46.  Social Customer Service: “Every customer of McDonald’s is important regardless of Klout, number of followers, or celebrity status,” says Kim Musgrave (McDonald’s).

47.  Pure Creativity: “Creativity comes in the message as well as the medium in which it’s delivered,” says Loren Angelo (Audi). “Building the brand with time-starved, affluent Americans requires us to bring unique ideas to a variety of channels.”

48.  Customer Centricity: “It’s not just about finding an audience for your product,” says Ani Matson (NEA Member Benefits), “it’s about serving a defined group, with the best portfolio of products, in the most relevant way.”

49.  Building Community: “If you work with the community and build trust,” says Chip Rodgers (SAP), the community will support you… One big change was that we de-emphasized number of members as a measure of community health. We shifted focus to measures of engagement: things like numbers of unique visitors per month, contributions to the community, numbers of blogs, questions, answers, comments, likes and so on. Those are the metrics that really measure the health of a community.”

50.  Going Green: “My advice to other CMOs is to find [Corporate Social Resonsibility] programs and initiatives that aren’t just good for the community, but are good for your business too,” says Tom Santora (Omni Hotels & Resorts). “That makes it easy to justify the investment, and makes the efforts seem more genuine and sincere.”

51.  Foundations: “We all know that today’s consumers prefer to support businesses with a social conscience,” says Bo Segers (PEDIGREE Foundation).

52.  Sustainable Design: “Sustainable design means considering the entire life of a product, from raw materials to the end of the product’s life,” says David Bright (Knoll). “We use powerful analytic tools (Life Cycle Assessments) to measure the environmental impact of each stage and identify opportunities for energy reduction and material reuse.”

53.  Living the Brand: “Living the brand means brining your brand story to life across all aspects of your business,” says Cammie Dunaway (KidZania). “not just your communications. Great marketers find ways to bring the voice of the customer into the decision-making process.”

54.  Social Purpose: “I think every company that is trying to succeed has to have a purpose,” says Daniel Lubetzky (Kind). “because it’s another way of saying that it has some sort of reason to succeed. AS far as social purpose, I don’t think every company has to have it, though I think companies that have it feel fulfilled and motivated more consistently.”

The 10 Inert Fundamentals of Marketing:

55.  Showing Courage: “I stopped copying the competition and started following our own customers,” says Sir Terry Leahy (Tesco). “I respected and learned everything I could from the competition. But I never followed competition. All the focus was on the customer, which made what we were doing much more original, and more importantly, more authentic. Customers spotted that we were doing it first and doing it for them – we weren’t doing it because some competitor did it first.”

56.  Personal Branding: “A personal brand is in the way that you carry yourself as an individual in every walk of life,” says Maria Winans (IBM). “You still need to earn your leadership every day. And this is what I reinforce to people that I mentor, especially in the business, your reputation is something you earn, something you work hard for and you stay true to.

57.  Listening: “Marketing people are interpreters,” says Trip Hunter (Fusion-io). “We translate other people’s experiences and stories into experiences that a broad audience can understand. Listening is the secret to discovering a great story.”

58.  Learning: “You can’t effectively market something until you have a solid idea of what it’s going to be, how you want it to be perceived, and what the business goals are” says  Kate Chinn (Tishman Speyer).

59.  Evolving: “The more content you create, the more ideas you have in the marketplace, and the more there is for people to find and read,” says Roberto Medrano (Akana). “The organic search benefits are huge.”

60.  Empathizing: “You have to offer more than the latest ad or brochure or update to the website,” says Alicia Jansen (MD Anderson). “You have to show that you’re bringing valuable information to the table that will enhance the decision-making process and help executives and yourself be able to make better decisions in order to satisfy the customer, exceed their expectations, and run the business better.”

61.  Networking: “It is important to touch many people at a networking event because sometimes the simple exchange of a business card can lead to much more down the road than the person who you gabbed with for forty-five minutes,” says Matt Sweetwood (Unique Photo). “I try to touch as many people as possible at networking events. And I can say I have rarely walked away without something good.”

62.  Power Networking: “What I really wanted people to understand is that if you put more energy into relationships, you can have a lot more productivity, more success, and more happiness,” Porter Gale (Globality). “And that’s true both personally and professionally.”

63.  Sharing Passion: “I feel like if you put content in front of people and show them why it is relevant to their lives and how cool it is, they will get excited,” says John Yembrick (NASA). “I am passionate about the [NASA] brand. I think this brand matters more than anything else in the world and in regard to advancing humanity forward.”

64.  Always Innovating: “Innovation can’t just be about fun ideas or wonky theories,” says Beth Comstock (GE). “Innovation means new methods that yield results. The challenge is often that time, trial and error are required to get to scale. I’m a big believer in pilot projects to create proof points and staged development to make sure you get results. Innovation without process is chaos. Trendspotting without translation leaves you empty.”

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